(720) 899-5667
Virtual 1:1 Code Coaching No purchase required to enroll
Trial No purchase required to enroll
Game Night $5 Purchase required to enroll
~ Smash Bros - Foosball - Board Games - Pizza ~
All for $5!
Come hang out with your fellow Coders and have a great time!
Front Desk No purchase required to enroll
Minecraft (ages 7+) $450 Purchase required to enroll
Kids at our Minecraft Coding Camps learn how to build, create, and modify in their worlds through coding. It’s easy to learn, and it's engaging - and, our students come away with hands-on experience of programming in a fun and accessible format.
3D Printing Studio Camp $499 Purchase required to enroll
Robots & Roblox with Oculus VR Camp $499 Purchase required to enroll
Winter Break MashUp: Chess camp + Roblox Studio + Minecraft Server Adventures $399 Purchase required to enroll
Spring Break MashUp: Full Stack web design + VR Immersion $499 Purchase required to enroll
Minecraft Scratch Code World $499 Purchase required to enroll
Lego Masters $499 Purchase required to enroll
Javascript and Web Design $499 Purchase required to enroll
ChatGPT-Powered Python Camp $499 Purchase required to enroll